WOD: Sprinting Intervals

Sprints build character. Sprints build strength. Sprints build speed. These are the three things I always remind myself on days I do sprint or interval training. Sprints help make long distance runs easier, faster, stronger. They make your lungs work harder and make breathing easier for longer distance, slower-paced runs.  Today’s Workout Of The Day (WOD) will work on the slow-twitch muscle fibers as well as fast-twitch muscle fibers. This is an awesome way to improve both strength and endurance at the same time. These workouts are AWESOME and they will BURN! That’s the lactic acid building up in the muscles because they want to fatigue. FIGHT THROUGH IT! That’s what will make you improve and get better. Persistence will reap the most rewards. Push through the last one mile run and your “peak”, “fatiguing point” or lactate threshold will increase dramatically.

1-mile run: warm-up. Easy-moderate pace; 5-10 minute rest before sprints.
30 second sprint; 60 second rest.
20 second sprint; 40 second rest.
10 second sprint; 20 second rest.
5 second sprint; 10 second rest.
5 second sprint; 10 second rest.
10 second sprint; 20 second rest.
20 second sprint; 40 second rest.
30 second sprint; 60 second rest; 5-10 minute rest before 1-mile run.
1-mile run: cool-down. Easy-moderate pace.

Sets: Complete sprints 1-3 times depending on the desired intensity of the workout and running experience. Beginners may only want to complete once.
Time: One set of sprints= 7.5 minutes total.
Intensity: 5 second sprint should be all-out maximum. Decrease the intensity while increasing the time of the sprint. 30 second sprint should be the lowest-intensity sprint. Wanna ramp up the intensity even more? Try running these sprints up hills, rest on the walk down. Talk about BURN. 
I ran these outside and used the rest as a standing/pacing period. It may be completed on the treadmill and use the rest periods as either standing time or walking time.
Frequency: Sprints offer the most benefits when completed 1-2 times per week, with 24-72 hours of rest time in between. Use off days for distance runs, HIIT, or weight training.

Remember, stretch after sprints. DO NOT stretch before a sprinting workout- the muscles will be more likely to tear and cause injury.

Happy sprinting. Happy Hump Day.

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